Macaw (Now Loki)

So I know you either plan to call or perhaps have called already, but I thought you might enjoy a detailed email instead. So here’s an update on Macaw! It took us a little while to come up with a new name, but we finally picked Loki, the newest of the Murphy Collective. My husband has used the moniker for about a decade now online, and it was the name he used when I first met him. The day after we adopted Loki, we celebrated our one year marriage anniversary. It couldn’t have fit more perfectly. And then he grew right into his name! The God of Chaos has nothing on him! He ran! He pounced! He got into everything! Our cake topper was the first casualty. The bride and groom were posed holding a pair of guns in a sort of James Bond style. The groom is now headless and the bride is Venus Without Arms. Or Foot. THEN he went after our champagne flutes. Matt’s survived the fall, mine shattered! All we saw of him for an hour was the little tip of his tail poking out from behind the couch because the loud noise had startled him. But we coaxed him out, and we never bat so much as an eyelash. After all, it’s tough being the size of a foot in a great big exciting new house. The thing that was the toughest for me was closing him in the bathroom so the other kitties had a chance to roam, especially at night. Oh he cried and oh so did I! But then we began to let the kitties mingle in the common ground of the living room. At first the 12 year old female, Avalon, would have none of it. She ran screaming and was so moody she wouldn’t even let me pet her! And this is the cat who makes the vets stare in amazement for her calm, almost comatose personality even when being poked and prodded! Tux was completely the opposite. After a good sniff, and a couple starts, they were chasing each other back and forth! Here it is now, the end of the week and attached are the images from today. They get along swimmingly, and Loki’s calmed himself a good deal. With a 4 year old cat to play with and a 12 year old mumma to nuzzle, he’s settled right in. The Murphy family is complete! Thank you Kitty Connection! Love,

Mama Murphy