
Just want to give you an update! Ozzie is doing so great, and he and I have formed such a close bond. He really loves his home and he gets lots of exercise! I always take him on hikes and walks, and he’s very good at playing fetch. He runs SO fast! He’s so muscly now too. He just completed five weeks of Working Dog Canine Academy and got his bachelor’s in obedience with a minor in socialization. He was one of the top dogs in his class. Now that his classes are finished, he’s going to be taking private lessons with his trainer for the rest of the summer. By the end of the summer, Ozzie will have two more certificates! He will be tested and certified as an Emotional Support Animal (ESA), and will also be tested to become part of the Canine Good Citizen (CGC) Program. He’s going to have a vest, and he’ll be able to come anywhere with me! Ozzie has truly been a blessing for me. Thank you so much for saving him and giving him the opportunity to be loved.


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