Sponge Bob

Hi Malinda, it’s me Sponge Bob!! I’ve been in my forever home a little over 2 weeks now and WOW you did a great job picking my forever mommy… boy does she spoil me! Before I was rescued by Kitty Connection and went home with you I was living in that shelter all alone. I was so lonely and just wanted a warm lap to cuddle on. Well, I am happy to report that I got exactly what I wanted and MORE. I have a huge family now! I live in my forever home with my mommy and all her family and my little sister Fluffy (she’s almost 2).

My mom goes to work early but it’s ok because my nana comes over and she feeds me and Fluffy, she lets us outside, and even plays with us! She’s really fun! I got my nana in a little bit of trouble once because my mom found out that nana was giving me too much food and told her that I was on a diet!… A DIET??!! I’m not too sure what this diet thing is but my mom told me I “lost” 6oz so far; she was very excited and told me she was sooooo proud of me. Fluffy already taught me some fun things, like when the doorbell rings we bark and bark and bark, my mom says “no barking” but she laughs when she says it, and I even heard her say my bark is cute. I have a new “Sponge Bob Square Pants” blankie and pillow that I get to sleep on, lots of toys to play with, warm sweaters, and Mom even brushes my teeth! I know I am in a loving home especially because my mom always tells me she loves me (like a million times a day).

At night I usually snuggle with my mom and Fluffy in bed, Fluffy likes to play with our bones but I just like to sleep. I am very happy to be in my forever home and my mom said she would send you pictures, hope you got them!! I think me and Fluffy will be visiting your salon soon, and I am excited tell Buddy Love I said hi and that I am doing really great!!!