
Hi Lisa – I finally got around to uploading pictures from my camera and thought I’d send along an update on Ryan. He’s WONDERFUL. As you can tell from the pics he’s doing fine. Dec 19, my husband’s aunt passed away (95yrs old). She’d adopted Lester (orange cat) 2 years previously and the agreement was if anything happened to her we’d take Lester. Well, he’s 26 lbs and came to our home snarling, growling, and hurling himself at the den door. We introduced him just like we did with Ryan and thankfully EVERYONE gets along famously. Ryan and Lester LOVE to play hide and seek and chase each other around. Ryan must have a quick metabolism because he and Lester eat up a storm but Ryan doesn’t put on any weight (not so for Lester) Matthew, who was abused, stays more to himself but does have moments when he needs the other cats close (he’s butt to butt with Lester on the bed). I say to Ryan he was the “problem placement for the Kitty Connection” but that he was really just waiting for us! He really is a LOVE. Can’t thank you enough for all you do/did. Take care.
