Ollie and George

Hi Stacey, I wanted to send you an update and some pictures of the kittens we adopted from you back in June, Merry and Billy Rica! I’ve been meaning to write for ages, so I’m sorry this is long overdue. I did give them new names — Ollie (formerly Merry) and George (Billy Rica), although I’m sure they don’t know their names since we’re always calling them sweetie, angel, babe, etc!! Still, they don’t seem to mind too much. 🙂 Both cats have really settled in well. They spent a leisurely summer exploring the apartment– they especially love bird- and people-watching while lounging in the window sills of our big insulated front porch. Now that it’s getting colder, they’ve discovered the benefits of snuggling together on my bed, or on the couch with me or my roommate while we watch TV. As they’ve gotten into their routine and made our apartment their home, Ollie and George have gotten more and more affectionate with us. They’re social and not skittish at all, and if we have visitors, both cats like to stick around and be part of what’s going on. We have excellent play sessions, too — they like to show off their high jumps and stamina in balancing on their hind legs while trying to get to their favorite toys! Our dining room is pretty much their play room. It’s great that they have each other, and they wrestle and play around all the time. If Ollie’s in one room and can’t see his brother (well, I call them brothers, even though they aren’t quite that :)), then he’ll let out a little cry and George comes running! It was tough to narrow down, but I’ve attached a handful of my favorite pictures of them. Thanks again for all your help and information when we were choosing cats to adopt. I’m so happy to be able to give these two little guys, who we now love so much, a good home. Take care,
