
Dear all, last year November we adopted handsome Louis (back then known as Piccato) and would like to give you a little update on him. Louis is a very gentle and docile cat who loves to keep us company: he sleeps on my laptop bag while I am working at my desk; he cuddles up next to me on the sofa when I am watching TV; he lies beside the table when the kids are doing their homework or when the entire family gets together for meals…he is a very social cat! It was not always like that, though. Louis has come a long way. Basically, he spent the first two weeks underneath the bed in his safety room. We could not blame him – he had been through a lot of terrible experiences. It cannot be stressed enough how important it is to be patient – we were rewarded with an incredibly sweet and affectionate companion. Just look at him! Isn’t he adorable?

The Schumann Family