
Hi Jenn, don’t know if you remember me, but my son Michael and I were in on December 19th and took Dawsyn home with us. I’ve been meaning to write and let you know how much we absolutely love her. She is such a wonderful addition to the family. It is almost impossible to believe that she has only been with us for 6 weeks, it feels more like 6 years. She settled right in and seemed as though she had been there all her life. She is great with Michael, very patient and calm around toddler excitement and him wanting to hug her and kiss her. Typically when she has had enough, she gets up and walks away. We monitor their interactions of course, but she is great because she isn’t skittish around him, he can be an excitable kid and she exudes calm energy and doesn’t feed into his excitement which is just what we needed. Michael absolutely loves her too, and he calls her “Gossin” which is just so cute….I find myself calling her that sometimes too by accident, after hearing him say it so often.
When I pick him up at night after work he always asks to “go home and see Daddy and Gossin” and every time she walks in the room, he’ll say “oh, hi Gossin!” He loves just watching her and thinks she is hilarious when she chases his Thomas trains or jumps up on the computer desk. We can’t say enough good things about her. She is such a love and so affectionate. It really is almost impossible to think it has been such a short time since we have had her, she is so ingrained in all of us. My husband is thrilled about her too, and has thanked me over and over for bringing her home. I am so glad that PetSmart didn’t have the Cats for Dummies book I was looking for and I decided on a whim to check Petco. Little did I know when I walked in the door that our little four legged angel would be waiting for us. We love her SO much and can’t imagine not having her around. Thank you so much for volunteering your time for such a worthy cause and for bringing people like us so much happiness and joy. Its hard to imagine the poor thing was about to be put to sleep. What a terrible waste that would have been! If it weren’t for people like you, we would never have met her. Thank you so much for everything. I’ll send you pics every so often. Sincerely,

Sherry, Jeff and Michael