Barrett and Yarra

Hi! Citrus Bubbles and Autumn Leaf, now Barrett and Yarra, are doing great and have made such progress in such a short time! They have their own bedroom and seem to like it. The first day or so the brother mostly hid but has been out more and more and they both love to be petted and brushed and play with their toys. Yarra is a little more adventurous and is a little “helper.” They’ve started to venture out of their room and explore the rest of the house. I think they’re both so happy to be together. Yarra will go and explore something and it’s as if she reports back to Barrett to tell him all about it and then he’s right there with her checking it out. They’re doing great with eating, drinking water, and using the litter box and love playing with their “Angry Birds” bell ball toys. The only thing I’ve noticed is neither of them really “meow,” they both purr when being petted etc. and will make little noises now and then. I’m not really concerned but was wondering if that’s normal? Thanks so much!
