
Hi Marie, I wanted to let you know that Sparky (now Autumn–named by my teenage daughters) is doing well. She did not like being in a safe room as you predicted–so she is wandering the house. I have kept her pirate ship, the carrying case, food and a litter box in the room though just in case. She has found where we keep the food and the litter box. She has also found what I think will be her favorite comfy chair–though she is still sleeping in the pirate ship! One of my girls was home sick yesterday and Sparky/Autumn spent the day in bed with her–she loved the attention. I will give her a few more days with her gear set up in the safe room–no need to rush her–then I will drop the carrying case back to your home. As you can see from this picture–I think she is making herself at home! Thank you for all you and your volunteers do.
