
Sparks (3) (800x510)My name is Sparks and I just was rescued by Kitty Connection. I was probably abandoned by my pet parents and living on the streets for a little while.  I became hungry and desperate because I ran into this lady’s car for help.  She called Kitty Connection and now I am safe inside their Rescue Room.  I was sooooo hungry that I ate 3 bowls of food during the first few hours I was there.  I am super friendly and by looking at my teeth, the vet judged me to be about 3 years old. I am quite the “silent talker” type…that is…I open my mouth to meow but no sound comes out. Then, there are times when I meow loudly! You never know what I may (or may not) say… Here I am below where the photographer caught one of those moments!

Sparks (3) (668x800)