Sausage needs your help!

My name is Sausage and I was a stray picked up and put in the pound. Time was up and being an older dog with some problems, it didn’t look too good for me. Someone contacted Kitty Connection to see if they could help me and thankfully they did. I’m a real sweet guy with a few problems that Kitty Connection is trying to resolve. I need some dental work and will get neutered at that time as well. Before that can happen, I need to get rid of a cough that seems to be related to some trachea problems. I may need an x-ray and some additional testing. Right now I’m on my meds and further care will come with donations that I receive. I’m at least 10 years old and, as you can see from my video, a charmer. I’m hoping that someone will find it in their heart to give an older guy like me a chance of having a home. I’m happy that Kitty Connection cared enough about me to give me a chance at having love and a possible chance of getting a home. X-rays cost $200.

Please help me and donate. Be sure to let them know that the donation is for me. Thank you so much!

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