
  • 10 of the most common “behavioral” reasons cats urinate outside the box - The litter is dirty The box smells bad The box is too small The box smells like harsh cleaning chemicals You don’t scoop often enough They don’t like the kind of litter you’re using The litter is too deep The litter isn’t deep enough The box is in a noisy location / they have no privacy You don’t have enough boxes (one box per cat is preferable) Do not assume

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  • Cats and Their Litter Boxes -   The best thing about cats is that they don’t need to be potty-trained. Relieving themselves in soft, loose material and burying their waste is an innate behavior, so even young kittens know what to do without being shown. All you have to do is provide an acceptable place for the cat to do her business. To start out on the right foot with your new cat or kitten we

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  • Correcting Unwanted Behavior in Your Cat - Sometimes cats do things we don’t like such as jumping up on the table or counters, scratching on the furniture, or attacking our feet when we walk by. The first thing we need to learn before we try to “correct” these annoying behaviors is that they are all motivated by natural feline instincts. Cats naturally seek out high places to rest and survey their environment, so you should provide them

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  • Dealing with Abused or Neglected Cats - JUST AS YOU WOULD FEED A STARVING ANIMAL frequent small meals but never a large meal, give the emotionally deprived cat frequent light contact for very short periods. In some cases it may be necessary to pull yourself back all the way to just eye and voice contact. When you add petting, move slowly, use the light touch, and keep it short. Always stop soon enough to leave him wanting

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  • Fear Aggression in Dogs - Dog fear aggression is the direct result of a dog’s fear. Just like their human counterparts, dogs have the ability to fear and can develop phobias towards certain elements. This is typically the case with dogs that have a history of abuse or neglect, but keep in mind that any dog can develop a fear. As with most humans, these fears are often irrational, but they may run deep and

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  • Fireworks - Get your pet used to fireworks, so they’re less likely to be scared and anxious during holidays. Check out more information here.
  • Resolving Cat Behavior Issues - The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) has prepared an extraordinary compilation of information on cat behavior counseling. If you’re having any behavior issues with your cat, please check out the guide and see if you can resolve the problem. Hopefully this will help keep more cats in their homes! Click here to check out the guide!
  • Teaching Your Cat to Use a Scratching Post - Cats scratch on things for two reasons: to shed their claws and to mark their territory. To save your furniture from damage, you should provide your cat with a scratching post or two and teach him/her how to use it. … View Full PostTeaching Your Cat to Use a Scratching Post
  • The 12 Most Talkative Dog Breeds - While some people seek quiet canine companions, other dog owners prefer a pup with something to say. And these dogs have plenty to talk about! We asked 218 veterinary professionals which popular breeds they deemed most talkative, and these 12 were at the top of the list. Although it’s important to keep in mind that many dogs can be louder than average if allowed to become nuisance barkers, these dogs

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  • Urine Marking (Spraying) in Cats - Urine marking (spraying) is a normal feline behavior that is quite unacceptable in the human household. Cats urine mark primarily to advertise their presence to other cats and to establish and maintain territories. The most common triggers for urine marking include a new cat in the household, free-roaming cats outside, or social conflict between family cats. However, other events such as a visitor to the home, new furniture, or unfamiliar

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  • Why Do Cats Knead? - Cats are interesting creatures, with many traits and behaviors that are easily recognized as being uniquely feline-the way they curl up tightly to take a nap, for example, or their characteristic grooming rituals after enjoying a meal. … View Full PostWhy Do Cats Knead?